JUNTO Brand Launch

Project Overview
Cornerstone Consultants was a company that approached us with a simple project to start… a user interface for their new web-based software. After designing the UX for what became Junto, we quickly realized that there was much more collateral and assets that were going to be needed for launch.
We created a teaser landing page with a countdown ticker that morphed into their current site, collateral stationary, a logo with brand standard, an icon library, direct mail postcard, event giveaway, email templates and a tradeshow display.
Email Template Series

Campaign Graphics
We created a custom graphic using Junto’s company mantra. The graphic for the Philly-based software company, who’s name came from a phrase coined by Ben Franklin, was used on T Shirts, landing pages and on the tradeshow display.
Junto software interface design
In addition to the email template series and tradeshow graphics we created the basis for the Junto software interface, complete with a custom icon library based on some found icons as well as custom created ones.

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